Saturday, July 11, 2009

Christianity Today Article on LTG

Another article on Letters to God

That's a Wrap

Sorry for the late postings - been quite busy as of late, but Praise the Lord for His provision over the production! July 1st was the final day of all primary photography on Letters to God! It's been such a blessed 6weeks of filming, and a blast to work alongside and get to know all the cast and crew. It was exciting day, but there was a hint of sadness in the air as we knew we would be saying our goodbyes soon.

On Thursday (July 2nd) we had the production wrap party and enjoyed a "bitter-sweet" evening of fellowship, appetizers, relaxing, and playing games.

Thank you again for all your prayers and support for the production - it's such a blessing and encouragement to the team. Please continue to pray as the film moves full-swing into post-production as well as all post work on the 20 different videos of behind the scenes, featurettes, devotionals, actor pieces, music video, etc. - we will definitely need them!

Last week of filming back at Stage 25 - Universal Studios

Outside stage 25 - this is the scene where one of the character's is arrested

Interior Sets on Universal's Stage 25

Font of Doherty house (Stage 25)

Front of Doherty house (Winter Garden, FL)

Remember in The Chronicles of Narnia how the coat closet was the passage into Narnia

Well, the Doherty's coat closet is the passage way to Universal Studios' Sound Stage 25

Doherty house office

Doherty Living Room

Doherty Living Room

Doherty Kitchen

Doherty Kitchen

Doherty Kitchen

Brady's Apt Living Room

Brady's Apt. Kitchen

Ben's Room

Ben's Room

Tyler's Room

Tyler's Room

Thank you all so much!
May the God of peace be with you!

In His service - ryan