Monday, December 21, 2009

Letters to God Official Theatrical Trailer

Letters to God Official Theatrical Trailer will be in 2000 throughout December. It's running in front of "Blind Side" the "Chipmunks," and a few other family films. If you can't catch it in a theaters, come see it on the Official Letters to God website, Facebook or YouTube site

- thanks you all for your prayers and support! Enjoy!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Letters to God: On-Set Devo 07 - Life in the Spirit

What many have found so moving about Letters to God is that it's not just a story about hope, but also one of grace and redemption. As Michael Gleason shared this very inspiration with us, he reminded us Letters to God is a story where through common ground, people are brought to Christ and able to find reconciliation in their lives right where they are. If we surrender to God, He will meet us right where we are, right in the midst of our very needs.

This video features music from the film; "Throw Me A Line" written and performed by Michael

Hope is contagious! Learn more about this mission at

Friday, September 25, 2009

Update & Devo #3 are up and running

Behind the Scenes Update 03 featuring Give Kids the World

and Devotional 03 featuring Ryan Kirkland of Between the Trees, and Dr. Steve Brown

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Letters to God Website Launch!

Hey everyone,
wanted to let you know the "Letters to God" website (phase 1 of 2) is up and running!
The letter open animation was a piece I created for the web videos, and if you go to "The Movie" or "On-Set Devos" page you'll get to see part 1 of 15 of the weekly "Behind-the-Scenes" featureets I've been graced with the opportunity to edit.

Additionally, and Praises to Father! I wanted to share with you all that I have been offered a full-time position to work in Christian films! - a passion of mine i've been praying about and pursuing towards the past 10yrs! Thank you Lord!

I will continue to keep you all posted on the happenings - Thanks again for all you prayers and support!

Enjoy the site!

in Christ,